Friday, September 14, 2018

Concert Anticipation is High


I'm getting pretty excited because in less than 24 hours I will be watching one of my favorite bands perform.    I've always wanted to see in person and fortunately they reunited last year and decided to tour again.    We are seeing them at the Hard Rock in Sioux City.    Counting Crows is performing too...they should be good as well but I'm not as jazzed about them.    It's been neat to see Bush this year and continue to see bands I enjoyed in the 90s.    Another perk is that 90s bands tend to play smaller venues and typically the tickets are pretty affordable.   We have another concert in October too in Des Moines.   

Work has been going splendidly and I really have no complaints.    I've been able to consistently work ahead and stay ahead of my prep for both ISU and DMACC.    By the end of September I'll have a lot of homework rolling in though and I'll be spending more time grading lesson plans and the such.    One thing that is quite helpful is that I only have one section of my elementary health methods class.   In past years I've had two sections (90-100 students) and due to changes with enrollment, we only need one section now in the fall and spring.   It's nice only having 42 students in that class.   

Swim & Gym started this past week too.   I wasn't watching my enrollment list very well and instead of cutting off registration at 40, I let 52 kids into the program.    It's fine with our gym and outdoor activities.    The pool is rather full.    Being that most kids need to be in the shallow end, things are a bit cramped.   Whoops.   I also had two lifeguards quit the day before we started which sadly isn't unexpected but still irritating.    I had one hire on standby if something like that happened so thankfully he was able to start on Thursday.    I wish students had a clue about professionalism. 

Gavin's doing very well with college and made the comment today about being surprised that it's already week 4 for the semester.   He got a B on his first biology test and a C on his first chemistry test.   He has a lot of homework each day but his plugging through.   He has his first psychology test next week.   He informed me he got to watch a video about a full natural birth recently in that class.    (Developmental Psych)    He said it wasn't as bad as watching the c-section video in high school.   Gross. 

Other random details lately:

  • I received my 1/4 beef today and it was oddly satisfying to re-organize my deep freeze and put all that meat in there.    Stewart and Shirley actually drove up to get their beef today and offered to pick up mine too.   No need to drive for hours?   Yes please.    
  • Gavin was originally going to drive up with me to get the meat but came over to wait for its delivery so he could carry it into the basement.   He was cool and also cleaned out our gutters.   And thank god he did because they were plum full of leaves and crap.   I also trimmed bushes and low trees and we filled two lawn waste bags.   Boring yes but quite exciting for a homeowner.  
  • Dan and I may be joining a year-long study at ISU that gives us free exercise access, free dietician access, and pays too.  We have upcoming appointments to do checks to see if we are eligible (blood pressure, blood work, etc.).    
  • I am getting excited for haunted attractions in the next months.   Alissa and I may try to go to Valley Scare in MN and I recently found out about a very scary attraction in Des Moines too.    Ames has its usual Haunted Forest too.    I'm continuing to make plans for my Halloween Party on November 3 too.   I made some hardcopy invites for people at work and for those without Facebook too.   
I guess that's it for now.   Figured it was time for an update.   

Image result for funny halloween meme

1 comment:

  1. Well it sounds like Live didn't let you down. It was probably a nice weekend out of Ames too. It's really nice that Stewart and Shirley could take your meat for you and that Gavin still lent a helping hand. How did he clean out the gutters? Did he have to get on the roof or did he just use a hose/power-washer? We have like no trees near the house to put junk in the gutters, but there is a space where the gutters don't tough the roof, so the water just drops down. Tony is suppose to caulk that sometime.
    Must be nice to have very few complaints in the work department. I really do wish I had fewer. When do you and Dan find out about the study? You and Alissa can really have all the Halloween fun you want -- I just don't enjoy being scared. I don't know why. It's something Mom and I have in common, I think. I still want to find a weekend though where we can hit up the wine bar, go to the consignment store you told me about, maybe hit up a bridal place, etc.
    It's good to hear that Gavin isn't crying or drowning in college studies or life. Did the child-birth video remind him he doesn't want to be a gyno?
