Tuesday, January 19, 2016


So sixteen years ago, I had been in like 15-16 hours of labor by this point of the day.   I have the motherly amnesia in that I don't remember major details, primarily the pain and discomfort, but it's interesting to think about how different life is now.   It would honestly feel weird to have a child at this point of my life and work around a career and such.   It would be normal but weird.

Sadly I cannot get my hands on the Xbox that Gavin wants; I had planned to give him that for his birthday since it wasn't possible for Christmas.   He may have to pick out a different version too because I don't think they are making the Xbox bundle he wants any longer.   I gave him a gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings and I'm going to renew his membership on Xbox live.   We are going to try and go to the local Japanese steakhouse place too with Dan and his boys.    It would be fun to go tomorrow night on his actual birthday BUT I have to work at night thanks to DMACC.

Speaking of DMACC...I am not thrilled with my workload.   I'll likely feel better when I get my first full paycheck from them but right now I feel like I'm scrambling to keep my head above water.   My wellness course is taken by high school students and holy cow they are needy.   My diversity class isn't too bad since I made a bunch of adjustments last semester with the new edition of the book.   The personal training class is going OK.   I still have a lot of prep to do before tomorrow night.   I feel a little better because the students work out but aren't very knowledgeable.   I only have a couple that make me nervous.   One male student is more knowledgeable than the others.   Another male student seems to have kind of an attitude and I cannot pinpoint why yet.  

ISU is just as busy as I'm still hiring for Swim & Gym so that's getting a little hectic.   My health classes (two sections) are going well since I've taught that class so much now.   The other class is so-so since I'm still planning how to teach it.   The main issue is the lack of space.   Several classes need the gyms and weight room at the same time so it's kind of a mess.   And the class size is huge.   I have almost 40 students.   Sigh.

On a more positive note, I've been seeing Dan now for six months.   It doesn't seem that long but on the other hand it seems like I've known him longer.   It also seems odd that things are going so well.   I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.   It took three years for that to happen with the ex so I'm still worried something will change for the worse.   It helps that our personalities are so similar.   It feels pretty nice to be with someone for months and not be consistently angry.   I've barely been angry at all.   I may have stumbled into a healthy relationship...crazy.

I unfortunately had to take a sick day today because I was up most of the night with horrible abdominal pain.   I felt funny in the late afternoon and into the evening yesterday.   I fell asleep for a bit after 11pm but woke up around 1 AM and felt really bad.    I calmed down and thought about my symptoms and realized it was an ovarian cyst that likely ruptured.    Hard to explain as I don't want to call it pain, more like pressure.   I thought I could still function and go to work this morning but I was A) too tired and B) still in some decent pain.   It was hard to drive Gavin to school so I figured driving all the way to Ames and trying to teach may not be in my best interest.   Luckily by this afternoon I felt quite a bit better so I was able to tackle my email and do some online grading.   I'm sure my students were distraught that class was canceled today too.   *eye roll*

OK, that's enough for now.  

Image result for winter weather funny

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Bring on the Spring Semester

I've been meaning to blog for days but have legitimately been busy due to prep for next week.   Usually when I get home, I have no motivation to turn on my laptop so it's been a slow process.   I'm still at work (shhh) and figured I'd finish this entry. 

My first piece of excitement is the fact that I bought a piece of furniture.   When talking to Mom, I realized that I never really purchased any furniture in the past.   It was either used/handed down or someone else bought it.   Captain Dipshit bought our bed, new living room furniture, and dresser so I'm actually surprised with how much furniture came with me to the apartment.   Anyway, I got a graphite colored loveseat.   I fell all adult-like making a big purchase like that.   We don't get it til January 16 though. 

Some day I hope to buy another nice lounge chair of some sort for the living room.   We'll never fit a couch but then again I'm not sure how many more years I'll live there anyway.   I'm hoping the color and style will easily match to other furniture if I buy more things in the future.

I'll note that I'm not really listing my points of excitement in any order.    In December, Dan and I decided to change our relationship status on Facebook.   It was discussed in the fall  but didn't take place and I guess I was surprised it happened in December.  I unfortunately had a couple "friends" act negatively when they saw the announcement so that was interesting.   Can't say I've communicated with them much anymore.   In theory I should have mentioned this before the loveseat but oh well.  I don't want to copy and paste. 

Let's talk the spring semester:
  • I'm teaching two sections of HS 275 back-to-back.  Fairly easy as the content is repeated but the amount of grading skyrockets since I have about 70 students between the two sections.
  • I'm teaching KIN 236 which is the Fundamentals of Individual Sport and Fitness.   It's the first time the class has been taught as we've merged two classes into one.    I have to include weight training, which makes me nervous as it's not my fortay.   
  • Swim & Gym will start on February 2nd.   Just reminded myself to complete background checks.   Sigh.  
  • I'm overseeing the grad students again.   We have a start to the semester meeting tomorrow.   In my head I have an agenda.   I'll organize things better in the morning.   
  • I have an all day meeting on Friday and was asked to present during it about my teaching style and strategies.   I'm focusing on how we've added online components to our physical activity classes.  
  • I am supervising two student teachers.   Both are located in the Des Moines area.   Both are strong students but it will be interesting to see them in high school settings, especially in the area of Des Moines they are assigned.
  • I am teaching PEH 110 (online) for DMACC again.   It's only for high school students.   I still need to record some video and audio to try and better the class.   I learned a lot about high school students last year...they need more hand-holding so I'm hoping some audio with my presentations will help them.   If they bother to listen to the audio....
  • I am teaching PEH 178 again for DMACC (online).   It's a sport diversity class.   I made a buttload of adjustments and changes last semester.    It should be easy to implement since I did all the hard work in the fall.   
  • And sadly I'm teaching PEH 120 for DMACC.    It meets on Wednesday nights.   Everything else is online.   It's a personal training class.   Yea...I know maybe 25% of what I should to teach the class.   I'm helping my boss out since the instructor for the class is leaving DMACC.   Just irritates me that I'm going to look less than competent.   Sigh.   I haven't even done the syllabus or prep yet because I'm beside myself.   There was a chance it would be cancelled but no such luck.    I shouldn't complain because I'll be teaching 8 credits for DMACC which should pay very well.   It should help me save up money to survive the summer when I don't have full time work.   
I guess not working for the Red Cross is sort of a godsend because I'll have plenty to do between the two institutions.    (Ya, I just taught CPR for ISU an hour ago so it's not like I'll have a break from teaching Red Cross content.)

I was scared to death this past weekend because my back gave out.   It was the same sensation that I dealt with in 2011.   All I did was walk out of the bedroom and when I stepped into the hallway, BAM my legs gave out.   Luckily it was much better within 24 hours.   It was weeks of agony back in 2011.   I kept moving even though it hurt like hell and I think that helped a lot.   My only complaint now is that my left leg is super tight.   I think my back is back to being fine but may be out of alignment so my lower back is pulling on my left hamstring.    It could be my I-band too.   I'll take that over my back giving out though.   And thanks to all this crap, I'm barely noticing my plantar faciatis.  (Not spelled right but too lazy to fix it.) 

OK, time to pack up and work from home.  I want to record some lectures for DMACC and I have to use my laptop.   It would probably look more professional if I did them from my office but oh well.

Happy 2016!!