Saturday, August 11, 2018

Vacation Come and Gone---Time to Work Again


My time off has run out and it's back to the grind with full time work.    I've been working part-time in the last weeks as I'm still doing work for the grant at ISU, prepped for this upcoming week's orientation for new grad students, and I'm prepping for my classes that start on August 20 for ISU.    I really haven't done much for my class prep.    I really should start on that.   I'm teaching two DMACC classes too and they start on August 23. 

We were able to jet up to Minneapolis for a quick vacation and it was a combination birthday present for Dan too.   His favorite baseball team (Cleveland Indians) were playing a triple header against the Minnesota Twins.    Thankfully the Indians won 2 out of the 3 games.    I was very pleased with how Jude did with all the walking and the length of the baseball games.   We also worked in a trip to the Minnesota Zoo.  Believe it or not I think initially Dan and I were more excited to go there but it ended up that Gavin and I were more excited to see the animals.    Gavin is enamored with otters.   Ask him about it.   There was a state park with waterfalls that I wanted to go to but we never worked it in so I will try to get back and to go that.    My coworker said she'd go back up with me since she's in Minneapolis a lot to see her family.

I've been trying to do more around the house but still haven't tackled the office yet.   It's still chaos and needs to be organized.   I'm starting at it right now as I write this blog and watch my movie.    By the way I'm watching the movie "Lady Bird" and it's fantastic.    Gavin and I spent part of the day packing him up.    He just needs to pack up his clothes and he's set to move in on Tuesday.   Coincidentally my schedule may allow me to help him move in on Tuesday too as long as we get it done in the morning.    He picked out a new backpack today too and he is set with his new laptop.   Bring on ISU.   

So here's the plan in the next week:

  • provide orientation for new grad students
  • new orientation features a 'mix and mingle' event which is new and should hopefully make the new students feel more welcome---takes place Thursday afternoon
  • work on my syllabi, primarily for ISU
  • work with Dan's mom and her husband to taxi Jude back and forth as they are helping to watch Jude since I need to work 
  • attend Czech Days on Saturday!
I also set the date for my Halloween party.    It has to be on Saturday, November 3 to work around ISU football but I'm excited to have a shindig for the holiday I love.   We plan to have yummy food,  some fun games, and we want people to dress up.  I plan to have prizes for some costume categories.  Some possible ideas may be:
  • scariest costume
  • best couples costume
  • best school spirit costume
I'll probably have a goody bag for all kids that come to the party too.    I want Halloween to be my annual party to host so let's hope it takes off well this year and continues to be a hit.

I guess that's enough for tonight.    Hopefully I can rave about how well I oriented my new grad students in the next entry.   

Here's a tribute to Gavin's love of otters.  

Image result for adorable sea otters

1 comment:

  1. I hate that August flew by. I only have a few, free days this week. Otherwise, I start back on the clock on Friday. Bummer. There's so much to get done. I didn't know you guys went to the zoo in MN. I'm surprised Gavin didn't snap the otters. All I saw were burnt knees. Is Jude going to school in Newton? I'll have to keep an eye out for Lady Bird. I tried to watch the CC Roast of Bruce Willis with Tony, but Tony didn't think it was funny, so we changed the channel. Bummer. Good luck moving Gavin tomorrow morning. Let the college life begin. It is quite fortunate (mostly for Gavin) that you live so close. I can't remember -- did you send me/us his mailing address? Will his room at your house be empty then? I will be seeing you at Czech Days! Last year I rocked the bingo tent; we'll see if I can make it two years.
