Monday, July 23, 2018

The Best Week of July

Time for another update as it's 2:09AM and I cannot sleep.  I spent hours working on lesson plans with hopes of getting tired but nope, wide awake.    Probably going to go work on organizing part of the basement after this.    Oddly enough I was exhausted around 2:00pm earlier today and kind of slept then for like an hour so I'm slowly screwing up my sleep schedule.   Go me!

  • I'm excited for this week because it's the end of the summer program.    I enjoy it and the such but by week 6-7 I am ready for it to be done.   We have the usual Family Night on Wednesday so I have some preparations to do for that event.    I need to do them today (Monday) and Wednesday because Ames will be a zoo on Tuesday.   Why you ask?   RAGBRAI will take over the city.
  • Cory and Katie and their crew are camping in our yard on Tuesday evening and are welcome to use our facilities and showers.    Dan's boss and her fellow bikers aren't camping on our property but we are letting them shower if they want to as well.    It's going to be a little odd as both Dan and I will likely be at work when people actually get to town but I'm making Gavin stay home to be the host so people aren't in the house without anyone present.   I actually just made some signs to post so people use the correct door, bathrooms, etc.  
  • I'm oddly excited that Jude is FINALLY going to the dentist on Tuesday too.    He's getting a bit nervous but it's been something I've been pushing Dan about for two years.    The next thing on my list was a well-child check-up but that's actually happening without my nagging.    Jude lost his place in his after school program and is using a new one and they require a physical.   Wahoo!    He has a physical on August 10.   The next thing on my list---he has to get a flu vaccine this year.    After the number of times he got the flu last year, I would hope his mother doesn't fight Dan on this.   
  • Gavin finished his thank-yous today.    He's pleased to have that endeavor done but now he needs to start organizing himself for moving into his dorm.    I had mentioned buying his laptop in the last update but I noticed my debit card was never charged.    I contacted the store and was informed I should have gotten an email stating the purchase had to be canceled.    We are buying a laptop through the bookstore at the university and the model of laptop we bought was no longer going to be bought under contract by ISU.     Thankfully they just bought a contract to similar (better) model of laptop of the same brand so we bought that instead.    It was slightly cheaper too.    I'm just irritated because I never got the so-called email that was to notify me the sale couldn't happen anymore.     
  • Dan and I spent time today organizing our furnace room and added another shelf and it is the last shelf we needed to organize our extra food and extra appliances for the kitchen.    The room looks a lot better and bigger now too.    We also got a lot off the floor too in case we would ever get water but I hope that never happens.    
  • I am grateful for this extra job in terms of the extra money (not that I've seen any of it yet) but I am very sick of being on a computer so much as well as writing lesson plans.   I am actually having to wear my glasses more often because my eyes dry out too much with contacts when I stare at the computer so much.   Sad but true.  I'm going to have to bring my computer and do work on our vacation which is sad and I have to participate in some webinar meetings too.    Our hotel has a business center so I'm hoping I can bop into their to have those meetings and not have them in our room as I doubt the others can be quiet.    The last time I tried having a meeting at home I had a loud meowing cat and a 9-year-old asking about yogurt a lot.   
Computer battery is almost dead so update is done for now.   Here is a picture of our damn cute cat.  


  1. Remind me of when and where you're going on vacation. I think last summer I had to do an online meeting in Texas at the hotel. It wasn't horrible. It'll be nice to wrap up another summer program, another one in the books. It's nice of you guys to open up your house to the RAGBRAI'ers. It's a bit hectic and chaotic with extra people, but if I were them, I'd want a nice place to stay and shower. It'll be interesting to see how Jude does at the dentist and later at the physical.
    That's weird about Gavin's laptop; it's good you checked. Hopefully this one is comparable and does what Gavin needs it to do. Yeah, he'll want to get his ducks in a row for college as he'll be moving soon! I'm sure an organized furnace room looks and feels better. I'm anxious for the office to get done in our basement so I can unpack more boxes and have a work space of my own.
    I don't know how you could be wide awake at 2 am, but you've had the oddest sleep schedule. My body is going to hate going back to 5 am wake up times. Cute cat pictures do not make me like cats.

  2. I understand the messed up sleep schedule. Welcome to my life lol today I literally got up for the day at 1pm because I couldn't fall asleep until 5am. Oops. I think if I saw on Facebook correctly, Jude did not have any cavities correct?

    I love Jinx, she is so cute :)
