Thursday, November 30, 2017

It's Been "A Day"

I should be winding down for the night and plan to after writing a mini-blog.    I'm looking forward to a hot shower and hoping it will help me sleep decently.    My sleep isn't consistent nowadays and it's getting frustrating.    It's also causing me to get really tired at work.   I can usually push through it most days but it's been tough. 

I got a call today from Biolife and I cannot donate plasma for awhile because a specific part of my protein measurement is off.    I go in next week to get blood drawn so they can check it again but it takes weeks to get the results back.     Pisses me off because I started donating due to a coupon that lets you get $300 if you donate five times in a month.    I had two more donations to go.   It's been nice earning some extra money and it was helping me afford Gavin's Christmas presents.   Sigh. 

I won't get into too many details but money in general is stressing me out.    It also pisses me off that I work a really good full-time job and a not-too-bad part time job and I still basically live paycheck-to-paycheck.    I don't know the last time I was able to put money into savings.    I see coworkers affording Thanksgiving trips to tropical resorts and such and it's depressing.   It makes buying a home cause further anxiety.    I got to see Gavin's senior pictures today and the cost of those are astronomical.    Bleh.   

On a good note, I actually feel pretty good about my grading tasks for both institutions.    The time of grading unit plans is upon me and I'll be buried in binders for more than a week.   I'm caught up with other grading though so I really only have unit plans to grade and nothing extra.   In past semesters/years I have been behind with other assignments and have been grading lesson plans and other things on top of unit plans.    I have good plans of sitting in the living room and grading while watching Netflix.   I also got the Christmas movies out too so I'll be popping those in too. 

I'll be working extra for DMACC the next two weekends too for our final coaching class of the year.   That will be some extra money (that I won't see until February) and it usually provides some down time and I can do ISU grading during it.    It's quite silly but when the class has more than 30 students, DMACC requires that two instructors be present.   One is the lead instructor and for the most part,  can do everything on their own.     The other instructor helps if asked but can usually just sit in the back and do their own thing.    I'm only the lead teacher on Friday December 8th but will work all day Saturday December 2, all day December 10, and for a few hours on December 9th.   I have a concert on December 9th (Seether) and I have my ISU Christmas party on December 10th. 

I guess that's enough for now.   Just needed to vent. 

Image result for i'm not sure what my spirit animal is

1 comment:

  1. I really hope I can blog this weekend. Watching Diesel if a full-time job. It's ridiculous! Due to waking up throughout the night to let him out or clean poop, I'm usually so tired that I want to be in bed at 9 pm. It sucks that your sleep isn't coming as easily.
    Damn, Biolife. Are you making sure you're eating enough protein, iron, or whatever else to keep your blood/plasma healthy? When are they going to open up a place to donate fat? I could be a millionaire!
    Grading it a constant challenge, so it's nice that you have it under control. I hope to get it under control for myself. I wish I had those times, like when I proctor the ACTs, where I can just sit and get grading done, because I can't do anything else.
    Let the countdown to winter/Christmas break begin!!
