Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Overdue Post

I am way overdue for a blog entry.   Like usual I've been meaning to blog but haven't had time at work and it's been rare for me to turn the computer on at home.    Sadly when it has been turned on during the past week it's been associated with grading tasks.   

Spring Break was OK.   It wasn't anything wild or crazy but it was nice to step away from Ankeny for a bit.   I should have done more work and grading but oh well.   It was nice to visit Grandma again and see her doing better from my original visit earlier in the month.  I guess I got a little wild and crazy in that I drank alcohol again.   I'm not getting any of the reactions my dietician warned me about so that's a little odd.    On the other hand it's nice to know I can enjoy a drink at dinner and still be able to drive myself home and not be immediately intoxicated.   

I found out today that I won the 2017 Lecturer Distinguished Service Award.    I'll receive the award formally on April 25 and I get a $500.00 stipend too.   

I started the advertising and hiring process for Summer Youth Fitness.    I'm not real enthused or motivated yet but need to get the ball rolling on those tasks.   Sigh.

I finished the American Gothic series on Netflix.    I had remembered some episodes from the 90s but not all.    When I watched each DVD, the order of the episodes seemed a little goofy and I found out they aren't in the correct order.   I only get a couple DVDs at a time from Netflix so I had to watch them in the wrong order.    I still got the gist of the series and it was decent for a TV show with low budget horror effects.

I saw "Table 19" in the theater with some friends.    Very good movie.   The main male actor was a weird choice though.    Not sure who he is but he didn't fit the role very well.   

I thought I had more to write about but now I'm drawing a blank.   Whoops.  

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the Lecturer Service Award. It's quite the accomplishment, and the $500 doesn't hurt.
    Spring Break went too fast for sure. I wish I had gotten more done. It was nice to spend some time with Grandma, go to the winery, and get pedicures. It's too bad about coffee, but the alcohol news is good.
    I saw "Table 19" advertised, but I had never heard of it, so Tony and I went to "Kong: Skull Island." It'd be fun to see "American Gothic" again.
    Getting back into the swing of things has not been fun. I'm zonked, and it's only Tuesday.
